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Table wDCR_Setup

Stores the Document Creator setup/configuration.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Document Creator Setup
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany False
DrillDownPageId wDCR_Setup
LookupPageId wDCR_Setup


ID Type Name Description
1 Code[10] PrimaryKey
2 Text[750] ProductKey The key that is used for product activation and authentication with the Apportunix licensing and rendering API.
10 Blob DefaultLayout A BLOB containing the Default Layout to use when creating new Document Creator layouts.
12 Code[10] DefaultExportProfile Specifies the Document Creator Export Profile that will be used by default when a report is run with a Document Creator layout.
20 Boolean Enabled Specifies whether Document Creator is enabled. If Document Creator is disabled, then this will result in an error when Document Creator features are used.
21 Boolean ShowLegacyControls
22 Boolean UseAlternativeAPI Specifies whether to use an alternative/custom rendering API instead of the API that is used by default.
23 Text[250] AlternativeAPIBaseURL Specifies the base URL of the alternative/custom rendering API to use instead of the API that is used by default.
24 Enum WSB_APIEnvironmentScope AlternativeAPIScope Specifies the environments in which the alternative/custom rendering API should be used.
25 Text[750] AlternativeAPIKey The key that is used to authenticate this tenant to the alternative/custom rendering API. This key could be different from the product key.
26 Duration RenderingHttpClientTimeout
30 Code[10] TranslationDefaultLanguageCode Specifies the default language which is used when translations are retrieved with a blank language code.
31 Boolean TranslationShowTags Specifies whether to return the tags as the translation.
32 Option TranslationUpdateUsage Specifies the method to use for updating translation usage.
33 Boolean SuppressUpdateUsageWarnings Specifies whether warnings about performance should be suppressed.
34 Boolean FallBackOnDefaultLanguage Specifies whether to fall back on the translation for the default language if no translation could be found.
40 Integer FormatLocaleID Specifies the regional settings, such as date and numeric format, Document Creator should use by default.
41 Boolean ConvertToRegionIndependentData Specifies whether the region-dependent XML BC report dataset should be converted to a region-independent format. The standard XML dataset is generated based on the region of the user, which could lead to errors when being parsed by third-party extensions/integrations. This feature resolves this bug in BC by converting the XML dataset in a preprocessing step (Experimental).
42 Boolean CompressRenderRequests Specifies whether Document Creator should compress the render request XML datasets to only include the data that is strictly necessary for rendering the layout.
50 Enum wDCR_LayoutPackageContents LayoutPackageContents Specifies which files to include in layout packages.
51 Boolean LayoutPackageInclLayoutFiles
60 Boolean RetainMissingDataSources Specifies whether removed/missing datasources should be retained when editing layouts (even though they are not available in the report''s schema).
61 Boolean UseCheckOutFields Specifies whether the layout check-out fields should be visible to the users.
62 Enum wDCR_AutoCheckOut AutoCheckOut Specifies if/when to automatically check out layouts for editing.
70 Boolean ShowPrepaymentDetails Specifies whether to show line details on sales and purchase prepayment invoice and credit memo document reports from the sales/purchase order archive.
75 Boolean UseShowCommentsAndDimensions Specifies the default value to use "Show Comments" and "Show Dimensions" on reports.
100 Enum wDCR_DateTextFormat ReportDateTextFormat Specifies the default format to use to format dates in reports as text. This format will also be used for date columns added via Document Creator Dataset Extensions.



Gets the setup records or inserts it if it does not exist yet.


Gets the setup records or inserts it if it does not exist yet.


Type Name Description
Boolean pErrorIfDisabled Whether or not to throw an error if Enabled = false.