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Report wDCR_PurchaseCreditMemo

Report for posted purchase credit memo documents. Also includes a built-in email body report layout.


Name Value
Caption Purchase - Credit Memo
DefaultRenderingLayout Document Creator - Purchase Credit Memo
PreviewMode PrintLayout
UsageCategory None


wgFncInitializeRequest(Integer, Boolean, Boolean)

Initializes the report with initial values before it is run.

wlEvpOnAfterGetPurchCreditMemoLines(Purch# Cr# Memo Hdr#, Purch# Cr# Memo Line@)

Allows to hook into the moment right after the purchase cr. memo lines are retrieved.


Type Name Description
Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Hdr." pRecPurchCrMemoHeader The Purchase Cr. Memo Header record.
Record "Purch. Cr. Memo Line" temporary vRecTempPurchCrMemoLine The Purchase Cr. Memo Line records that were retrieved for the report in a temporary record set.